First, I want you to know that I am terrible at Jingoku. Second, I will still be playing lots of Jenga with the accompanying minigames because it is so impressive. It also has a leaderboard that will allow me to see how I am doing. It will all come out eventually. Hopefully.

Buried Things, an indie developer, created Jingoku in just 72 hours for the Ludum Dare 49 jam. It resulted in a lot of polished minigames. It’s a single-player game of virtual Jenga. You’ll get a few seconds to complete the WarioWare-style minigame for each brick that you take out. You want to win as many minigames before your Jenga tower collapses. This is a goal that I have been trying to achieve a lot.

You can play all of Jingoku’s minigames with mouse controls. There are many options: you can fire foam darts at targets or play tug of war, as well as digging through fake software menus. The minigames are fun and easy to play. Buried Things also managed to make time over the 72-hour period to add in-game achievements as well stats and a ranking on the global leaderboard. All this is presented in a beautiful presentation. However, the difficulty levels vary from one game to another and I feel anxious every time I pull a brick for either the symbol-matching, or spam text minigames.

Jingoku can be downloaded on or at its Lundum Dare 49 entry page . You can also watch the entire development process livestreamed. You can also view any of the almost 3,000 other games created for the game jam.