Вести.net: Apple stores in the US are closing because of the riots

the Apple Stores in the USA, which barely had time to open after the epidemic of the coronavirus again closed, this time due to the outbreak in the Minneapolis riots. Wave of robberies could not affect the Apple Store, literally filled with expensive machines. And not only in Minneapolis but also in Philadelphia, Washington and Phoenix.

Another issue is that to use stolen devices is impossible, at least for its intended purposes. The fact that four years ago Apple introduced a new set of safety showcase samples, just the equipment that exhibited in the shops and which is relatively easy to steal. As soon as the phone disconnect from the wifi network, it immediately locked and no data entry, which only the employees of the store to work it will be no more. The same thing is happening with tablets, and laptop computers.

However, before this the robbers did not stop, for example last year in the United States swept a wave of such shoplifting criminals broke into the Apple Store and took out as many different gadgets from phones to tablets and laptops. Then they most likely sold for parts, which in the case of Apple equipment is also quite expensive. As for the official position of Apple regarding what is happening, the head of the company Tim cook did not condemn the demonstrators who spoke with restraint, wrote on Twitter: “Minneapolis is grieving not just” and called for justice.

meanwhile, began a new phase of the great console war. And this time the move was made by Sony, just a few hours hinting that the next console will be expensive, but it will still be in short supply, and while it is still worth the wait and announced that this week will show games for the PlayStation 5, that is exactly why these consoles buy.

the Event will be held in the format of a live broadcast on Thursday evening in Moscow. And the gaming industry and the gamers count on a big show. The fact that Microsoft recently held aa similar presentation of next generation gaming and the Xbox fans were left disappointed. The main complaint – not enough shows actually gameplay. Mostly only trailers of the games, so Sony is waiting for demonstration of the capabilities of future consoles because of the technical characteristics perspective consoles have uncovered and Sony, and Microsoft, and they are in fact comparable.

it is Important that the developers will use the new capabilities of iron, such as a fundamentally new graphics and loading speed of games. Well, another intrigue, it certainly will show whether Sony appearance consoles and will announce whether its price, as Microsoft has already told how it will look in the next Xbox, and Sony has kept secret. The price is not called, none of the players, probably both afraid to make the first move, because the competitor then will be able to put a price-tag a little bit lower and win at least on this.

However, we know already that Sony’s console is more expensive present. According to Bloomberg the cost of manufacturing the PlayStation 5 is about $450 – this means that the shelf device will cost less or more to $500. And in Russia, in this situation the price will be up to 40 000 roubles, if not higher. It is relatively a lot – is the most expensive version costs slightly less than 30,000, but formally reasoning about the price, Sony has not commented, but promises that the first time the PlayStation will be in short supply, says that the coronavirus in the cycle of production is not affected and the device will go on sale by year-end, as planned.

Text: To.Hi-tech