So you have made that serious decision to join the pool club? Welcome to the wonderful game. One f the things you should be thinking about is your pool cue. If you’ve been playing at a friend’s house or in some local hall, you’ve probably been using the dreaded one-piece house cue. That was okay when you were banging balls, but now that you are interested in the game, you have to make some proper investment in some equipment to help you enjoy the game of billiards at a new level.

Why do you need a pool cue?

Upon buying your two-piece pool cue, you’ll see a myriad of benefits from consistency to its superior performance. Then you begin to get familiar with it and establish a feel of the way it shoots. Owning a maple Pool cue stick accelerates your journey of becoming a better pool player and will be your trusted companion, right with you as you achieve your goals.


A two-piece pool cue will consistently outperform any one-piece house cue at your local bar. Those pool cues at the bar have a rough time, and no wonder they are never in good condition. But your cue will have a soft shaft and a tip designed to provide more spin and shoot straighter. The wood is cured correctly, making it more robust and durable. The cue is also perfectly balanced and shaped to provide a smooth and comfortable stroke. The cue takes a big jump when they feature “low deflection technology”-that’s what the veterans use. They go through some manufacturing process that improves the accuracy of the shaft. They are pretty forgiving on straight shots, and therefore low deflection cues are great for even beginners.


Even an inexpensive cue will still offer a significant level of consistency to your game. Having that properly-rounded cue tip provides repeatable results, and that gives you confidence that your equipment can perform as expected. Thus you’ve roo focus more on your game, and in case you miss a shot, you know it’s not because of your pool cue.


When you become familiar with your cue, the consistency results shine brightly. When you’ve your cue, it means you learn the limitations and capabilities and know-how to navigate the difficulties. It begins to feel like a part of your body, and therefore you’ve more confidence to help you win.

How much will you pay for a pool cue?

A two-piece cue that’s decent goes for a minimum of $60, but many of the beginner’s cues prices range from $60-$200. But if you want a good one, be prepared to spend something in the neighborhood of $100. Cues in this range come with a professional taper, a good layered tip, and a hard-rock shaft. These are the perfect entry pool cues and should meet your needs.

Are you an intermediate player, be ready to pay something like $200 to $400 for a new one- that will meet your performance needs. At this level, you must have developed some preferences, and you need a cue with low deflection technology to take your game to the next level.

When looking for pool cues, don’t just rash for anything; check out for one that perfectly fits your preferences, and if you’re a newbie, you can seek guidance from those with experience.