If you own an iPhone 12, be aware that, according to the National Frequency Agency (ANFR), it emits waves that are too powerful for your health. Le Parisien revealed on Tuesday September 12 that the ANFR ordered Apple to withdraw this model from sale and Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister responsible for Digital and Telecommunications, added a layer, threatening to launch a recall of the devices on the market , or even to extend this measure to all of Europe.

The authority also asks Apple to “implement all available means to quickly remedy this malfunction” on copies already sold, under penalty of having to recall them, it specifies in a press release sent Tuesday evening to the AFP.

“I have confidence in the company’s sense of responsibility to comply with our rules. My mission is to make them respected. If it does not do so, I am ready to order the recall of iPhone 12s in circulation,” declared French Minister for Digital Jean-Noël Barrot, in an interview with Le Parisien. He specified that bringing the smartphone into compliance “requires a simple software update”. Apple has 15 days to comply.

Concretely, the iPhone 12 exceeds the regulatory limit value corresponding to the energy that can be absorbed by the human body when the phone is held in the hand by 1.74 W per kilogram (W/kg).

Contacted by Agence France-Presse, Apple assured that the iPhone 12 is certified as compliant with the standards defined around the world by numerous international organizations. The Californian giant indicated that it had provided the ANFR with the results of independent laboratory studies carried out by third parties to prove that its devices meet the standards. He plans to challenge the agency’s findings.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “there is currently no evidence that exposure to low-intensity electromagnetic fields is dangerous for human health” and this “despite much research.”

Apple presented its new range of smartphones, the iPhone 15, on Tuesday evening, which will integrate a universal USB-C charging port to comply with European regulations.