340 euros would have cost the Playstation 4 in the business in the East of France. But the 19-year-old thief decided brazenly to lower the price: First of all, he’s weighed the console in the fruit and vegetable Department.

The 19-Year-old had driven with the incorrectly relabelled goods, specifically a self-service checkout, reported the regional newspaper “L’est Républicain” and other media from the site Montbéliard in Belfort.

The Trick worked, and the Teenager picked up the PS4 console, the home for incredible 9,29 Euro. First of all, the fact remained unnoticed.

19-Year-old product is labelled again and get caught

But As the newspaper reported Monday evening on its website, increased the success of the 19-year-old scammers appear to be getting to your head. He tried after the Coup in mid-September 2018, the mesh at the large supermarket chain on the next day again. This Time, he was caught red-handed.

In his interrogation at the police sa gte, the young man, according to the report, then, he had sold the first console for 100 Euro more. He needed money for a train ticket to his home city of nice, he claimed to the officials.

That brought him nothing: as well As national media on Monday evening, reported, condemned the Teenager for the fact, already on Thursday to four months in prison on probation. Best offer on BestCheck.de

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cho/dpa Playstation Eastern France Teenage fruit vegetables self-service cash-in-Montbéliard regional newspaper goods probation supermarket chain nice ticket interrogation console court website police home city of prison Time supermarket Belfort