As the Japanese Seiichi Miyake in front of more than 50 years, learned that a friend would lose him his sight, he wanted to help him. In the consequence developed Miyake a completely new System, which guides the Blind and visually impaired people today through the cities and stations around the world.

Seiichi Miyake invented the “Tenji-Block” to help a friend Fullscreen

the Google Doodle in honor of Seiichi Miyake at 18. March 2019


The invention: Seiichi Miyake developed special paving stones with nubs and grooves, which can be poles with the Blind, or the feet of the senses, and therefore as a guide or a stop signal. Most of the people are likely to these stones – “Tenji Blocks” – already on station platforms or on stairs. How it works: A blind man, for example, is guided by the grooved stone at the edge of the platform, where it a dimpled stone indicates that he must remain standing. A simple and effective System.

During the development produced Miyake first self-produced prototypes. Seiichi Miyake’s invention was for the first time at 18. March 1967, introduced in the vicinity of a school for the blind in Japan Okayama. From there, the innovative as simple and ultimately cost-effective System spread, however, will continue unabated. Meanwhile, it has established the control system as a worldwide Standard, and is to be found in cities throughout the globe.

The name Seiichi Miyake is likely to have the fewest people in your life heard that before – that you were ever even with its invention in contact or ran, is likely to be comfortable as well as safe. Miyake, died in 1982. His invention helps blind people today.

source: “CNET”

you can See in the Video, like a blind skateboarder overcomes in spite of his handicap, any obstacle:
