What is Artificial intelligence? The ideas are shaped in the case of many people, above all by the series heroes and movie character from the Science Fiction.

a study by the Allensbach Institute has now found out, represents the super cute robot R2-D2 from the series “Star Wars” the ideas of the people most likely (20 percent). 17 percent think, therefore, on the subject of KI, rather, to the killer machine, Terminator.

also, 17 percent of respondents Commander Data from “Star Trek comes to mind” in your notions of AI, in the next, followed by the intelligent and linguistically talented street racers to K. I. T. T. from the series “Knight Rider” (16 percent of respondents). The stubborn spaceship Computer HAL 9000 from the Spielberg classic, “2001: a space Odyssey” mentioned in contrast, only 6 percent of respondents as the most formative.

best Known as a representative of Artificial intelligence of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator (76 per cent), R2-D2 (65 percent) and K. I. T. T. (59 percent), followed by Commander Data (50 percent), and Agent Smith from the movie “the Matrix” (43 percent) are.

On the question of what a robot is, or what machine you prefer as your personal assistants, your choice, is also R2-D2 in the first place (15 percent). 13 percent of the respondents would favour the armored sports car K. I. T. T., which has already proved successful in the struggle for the rule of law. The TV series star Commander Data follows with some distance (8 percent). And as a Personal assistant of the cleaning robot “Wall-e lapped” from the eponymous Pixar movie (“the last of The grants of the earth”) the Terminator, just under one percentage point.

The society for computer science has been the study in the framework of the project “#KI50: Artificial intelligence in Germany – yesterday, today, tomorrow” to your 50-year anniversary in the “science year 2019 – Artificial intelligence” of the German Federal Ministry for education and research in order. The aim of the project is to demystify the topic of AI on different discourse contributions and in the company to anchor. The focus of the current investigation is the question of what pop culture phenomena, and figures have influenced the image of the German population of AI, the strongest state among others.
