In the aftermath of his presidential defeat, with a score below the 5% necessary to see his campaign expenses reimbursed, his appeal for the generosity of his supporters surprised anonymous people and politicians. “The financial situation of my campaign is now critical. Republicans cannot afford these expenses. I am personally in debt to the tune of 5 million euros ”, explained the candidate LR on the airwaves of RTL, a few hours after being excluded from the race at the Élysée, on April 10. However, the enarque did not take long to replenish the coffers. Christian Jacob, president of the LR movement, indicated that the gaping hole in the cash flow was “virtually” filled, Thursday, May 27. The objective will finally have been completely achieved this Monday, May 30, as formalized by Le Parisien.

Thanks to her “Pécressethon”, the former minister of Nicolas Sarkozy raised 3.3 million euros. Nearly 20,000 supporters reportedly sent in a donation. Added to this is a contribution of 1.2 million euros from the Republicans, whose loan to the candidate has been transformed into financial participation, and the 600,000 euros of public money corresponding to the portion of the tariff reimbursement for the fallen candidates who did not reach the 5% mark. The right-wing party concedes having spent a total of around 8 million euros to finance this controversial presidential campaign.

According to Le Parisien, the appeal for donations site will be closed on Tuesday, May 31. A message of thanks signed Valérie Pécresse will then be proudly displayed on the main page: “Thanks to you, thanks to the support of the Republicans, the expenses of my presidential campaign are now fully funded. And the personal loan that I had taken out will be repaid. »