Nazuna date of the final

once Flash Player by Adobe, was the only way to add rich interactive content or animation. But the problems with porting the plugin to mobile devices and principled rejection of some of the popular frameworks supporting it has signed Adobe Flash verdict. We now know exactly when the verdict will finally come to pass.

Although Adobe announced the decommissioning of the development of Flash Player in 2017, the company continued to release patches, ustranyatsya vulnerabilities in the security system. The company has named the date when you will stop doing it to 31 December 2020 year. In addition, from 1 January 2021-go to download Flash Player from the Adobe website is no longer available, but still using the plugin sites would not show through your content.

While Flash Player had no alternative, users had to put up with his insecurity and immoderate appetite for system resources. However, over the past decade, the development of HTML5 technology allowed us to create a much more rich online content with fewer resources and greater flexibility.

In Adobe saying that later this year will launch an awareness campaign for users – those who still have Flash Player installed, will be encouraged to remove it from the system.

Text: To.Hi-tech