drunk, That it can be dangerous, on the Internet to hang out, Callum Underwood the first to know. With soft flushed the brain, one is prone to spontaneous purchases that would not have happened to a sober. And that can be expensive. The next Morning, if the view is somewhat untarnished, by then, a shock: What did I do?? Exactly this happened to the British Underwood, as he had realized that he had angetütert ordered a gigantic pillow in the United States, in the Form of a thick Pokémon Relaxo.

“Please help me, Twitter,”, posted, “I have drunk this big boy and ordered him to my friend in America. It cost me 1000 dollars, let him go to the UK shipping. The box is freaking huge and weighs in a 16.8 pounds. Any creative solutions, to bring him from San Francisco to the UK?”

Underwood was professionally been in San Francisco and had celebrated with his colleagues, as he has ordered the pillow. The life-sized pillow had been offered to the man from Newcastle for 200 British pounds, to around 225 Euro. He hit it. The next day, it was clear to him that he needs to get the Relaxo somehow to Newcastle, and he asked his Boss, Anna, if he could make it to your address in San Francisco. You could send it to him then Yes to Newcastle. Anna said Yes. Then it turned out that it would be the cost of the package 800 GBP shipping fee, about 900 Euro. That was the Moment, as Underwood on 18. October his Tweet dropped.

The Tweet went viral and Relaxo on a long voyage

First of all, reasoned Underwood, the cut cushions and the filling to evacuate in order to minimize the size. To have home, he let the Pokémon, then back fill. But he rejected the idea and decided, together with the thick pocket monsters the return flight. An Odyssey, which you can read on Twitter and the thousands of persecuted and commented, took its beginning.

Underwood pressed his pillow into a cardboard box and glued the edges. Then he called the airlines to prepare them for the unusual package, he would have. 17. November the got Pokémon Fan tweeted an Update: “He’s stuck in Dallas! Hopefully it will be delivered in the morning in my Hotel to Atlanta … then I have to get him to England!” On 18.11. came Relaxo and Underwood posted a picture of the popped box with the words: “Oh no, he’s trying to escape”. From Atlanta, he sends a Selfie from the car on the way to the airport. The airline took the package but did not have the adhesive strip to the cardboard seal. Underwood tweeted: “you have accepted it, but had no Tape to seal it. He could climb during the flight. 2 flights we have ahead of us!!!”

Other travelers make fun

On the question of what was in the Box, responds Underwood at the airport: “A pillow.” “A Cushion?”, hooks the ground staff. “Hmmm, it’s a Pokémon,” says the traveller a little ashamed. “The people around me start to laugh”, tweeted he. Then someone from the transportation security, “the knife of death,” writes Underwood: The carton is opened with a carpet knife. Relaxo is checked and receives from the security lady a compliment to his size. Underwood uses the Moment for a hug. Poorly re-Packed it is on the way to England.

And after more than a month on 20. November, the redemptive image: Relaxo is home at last!.


sources: Twitter / “Indy100”