Apple has patented a

Apple has registered a patent on the technology by creating a group selfie, which allows you to comply with social distancing during an epidemic that spreads through airborne droplets.

In the description of the development that drew the attention of the publication Patentle Apple refers to the generation of “synthetic group selfie”. They will be in the photo together with your friends even at a distance of several meters or even in different cities.

According to the patent application, one of the participants of a remote photo shoot should start with the invitations of others. After invitations are accepted, the software of the phone (maybe the feature will be available on tablets) combines images from multiple devices into one.

the sources can be used pictures (including from the smartphone gallery), frames of stored video or even video calls. Users can save to their devices and the original selfie, and “synthetic” group version. In addition, each of the participants of the photo shoot will have the opportunity to place individuals in the group frame at its discretion.

Although it seems that the idea of such “remote self” could arise only on the background of the pandemic coronavirus, this is not so – filed patent application was 2 June 2018 year. As with any other patents, it is impossible to say for certain when the company decides to implement a new feature in their devices and decide whether it is.

Text: To.Hi-tech